Finding Purpose in the Grind

Finding Purpose in the Grind

When Thursday feels like Friday but it's only Wednesday…yeah, that’s how slow this week is feeling. 😢😬

After a quick, “God give me the strength” prayer to roll out of bed, the first successful accomplishment of this week seems to be the coffee I just made.

Then the feelings of any successful accomplishments have a way of trailing off right there. The cycle of the ordinary daily routine has a way of feeling monotonous and insignificant at times. I know you feel me on this one….like, do all my little daily tasks even have a purpose? Does it really matter?

In all this “seemingly” irrelevant and mundane adulting, we may feel like God has forgotten about us. Yet, behind the scenes, we can’t comprehend how God will use us today in our “small daily tasks” in His master plan.

He may be working on growing our character, preparing us for a future opportunity, teaching us endurance….He is showing us gratitude for the ordinary because somewhere, someone surrounded by chaos is praying hard and would do anything for “ordinary.”

1 Corinthians 15:58 reminds me of just that….my daily tasks are not being done in vain. He is using it for the greater good.

Today, ask God how He can use you for His purpose through our daily keep the below verse on your mind and in your heart as you go about your day.

But first, coffee!! Because, let’s be real, Friday can’t come soon enough. 🤪

Much Love and Blessings,



“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” ~1 Corinthians 15:58

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Because every good thing comes from Christ and my relationship with Him, honestly I seldom have a “low day”. I am grateful for the sun coming up each day. That’s how God shows His faithfulness. I begin with His Word each morning, even before I have coffee, because I want Him to guide my steps and give me wisdom for all I may have to do. My only challenge may be that I am 78. My hubby and I are semi-disabled and my physical strength is waning. But this is the season of winter (Ecclesiastes 3:1-7) in my life and He is still a GOOD, GOOD FATHER despite my waning strength. So because “the joy of the LORD is my strength”
I seldom have a “low day.”
Thank you.

Judy Pat

Because every good thing comes from Christ and my relationship with Him, honestly I seldom have a “low day”. I am grateful for the sun coming up each day. That’s how God shows His faithfulness. I begin with His Word each morning, even before I have coffee, because I want Him to guide my steps and give me wisdom for all I may have to do. My only challenge may be that I am 78. My hubby and I are semi-disabled and my physical strength is waning. But this is the season of winter (Ecclesiastes 3:1-7) in my life and He is still a GOOD, GOOD FATHER despite my waning strength. So because “the joy of the LORD is my strength”
I seldom have a “low day.”
Thank you.

Judy Pat

Much needed reminder whether we are going through difficult health, financial, family, etc., issues we need to remind each other that we matter to God and that we (in spite of our own problems) can make a difference in the life of another if only with a smile.


Thanks for your nice sharing. Inspiring and motivating. Sometimes I just feel low and just pray. Grateful while waiting for God’s plan for me. 🙏❤️God bless you more 🙏 ❤️


Thank you for all of your time that you give, to share insight, thoughts and encouragement, pertaining to our Lord God!


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