Finding Purpose in the Grind

Finding Purpose in the Grind

When Thursday feels like Friday but it's only Wednesday…yeah, that’s how slow this week is feeling. 😢😬

After a quick, “God give me the strength” prayer to roll out of bed, the first successful accomplishment of this week seems to be the coffee I just made.

Then the feelings of any successful accomplishments have a way of trailing off right there. The cycle of the ordinary daily routine has a way of feeling monotonous and insignificant at times. I know you feel me on this one….like, do all my little daily tasks even have a purpose? Does it really matter?

In all this “seemingly” irrelevant and mundane adulting, we may feel like God has forgotten about us. Yet, behind the scenes, we can’t comprehend how God will use us today in our “small daily tasks” in His master plan.

He may be working on growing our character, preparing us for a future opportunity, teaching us endurance….He is showing us gratitude for the ordinary because somewhere, someone surrounded by chaos is praying hard and would do anything for “ordinary.”

1 Corinthians 15:58 reminds me of just that….my daily tasks are not being done in vain. He is using it for the greater good.

Today, ask God how He can use you for His purpose through our daily keep the below verse on your mind and in your heart as you go about your day.

But first, coffee!! Because, let’s be real, Friday can’t come soon enough. 🤪

Much Love and Blessings,



“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” ~1 Corinthians 15:58

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Thank you for your inspirational messages. I love the light and positive strength that comes from you. We love in a dark, broken world. God bless your ministry.


This was right on time as I woke up this morning, I asked God to use me to help spread his word and to use me in my daily life according to his plan! Thank you! 🙏🏻



Rosemarie Buzmion

This couldn’t have come at a better time. Thank you for the encouragement. I was feeling restless today when the Lord reminded me that restless is the opposite of rest. ♥️


I am so happy the her that she is fine from cancer God Almighty always listen to our prayers so sorry she lost her parents ❤️ thank you for being by

Rita Torres

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