A Father's Day Devotional


After spending the better part of a rough work week fantasizing about laying on the couch with some mindless tv, that plan quickly changed the moment the key turned to unlock my front door to start my Father’s Day weekend. “Eh, maybe I can sneak a nap in when they head off to college,” I sighed to myself.

Mustering up the last ounce of energy I had stored for walks to the fridge that evening, I lifted up my daughter over my head to make her fly....my five year old has a standing appointment every day with me after work where she jumps off the couch and fulfills her need to soar.

Only to find myself later in a wrestling match with all 3 kids before bed, I contemplate one day these days will only be cherished memories….I’ll soak it up now.

As I watch my kids get older, I get to witness them evolve into these beautiful souls...how can I not thank my Father in Heaven for blessing me with such a title....”Dad.” It’s a title I hold dear to my heart and with great reverence.

Those moments where I get to see the love they have for each other grow and watch them still play with each other no matter how old are one of the many blessings I get to thank God for every day. It also makes me appreciate all the things my dad did for me. Those unselfish acts don’t go unnoticed dad.

Today, above all else, let's honor Our Father in Heaven...our own dads...the dads who opt for wrestling with their kids and tea parties over selfish career goals....the dads who sacrificed all their time and energy to make memories...the dads who have molded us but have since passed on…the moms doubling up as dads…and those taking on a role as dads.

Let’s continue to pray for all those dads who continue to be honorable, and God fearing Fathers.

Happy Father’s Day!

Much love and blessings,


“For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.” ~Genesis 18:19

As always, thank you for your support and encouragement! Have a blessed Sunday and week ahead!



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