Cozy café corner with two leather armchairs and a small wooden table, a steaming cup of coffee, surrounded by large windows and hanging pendant lights, featuring a hopeful verse from Jeremiah 29:11

Small Talk

It started off as small talk. Two unlikely people who wouldn’t have spoken on any other occasion in life, but we sat there waiting for an appointment. Usually, like most people, I would look down on my phone, avoid eye contact, and just wait for my name to be called. I was feeling down and not in the mood to converse.

As we continued to talk though, she opened up and her story struck my spirit...she needed someone to talk to. In reality, I did too. Her name was called and, as we parted ways, I told her I’d pray for her. As her eyes teared up, she told me she hasn’t had someone pray for her in years and hugged me. Mood, changed. Will I ever see her again? Perhaps not. But at that moment, she needed someone. I needed that meeting too.

We don’t meet people by accident. They will come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. God places people in your life for your journey....good, like this meeting, or bad, like countless others....nonetheless, they’re there for a reason. To encourage, to inspire, to test your patience, or even your faith...whatever that reason may be.

God doesn’t promise that this journey will be easy, nor all our encounters...but He will give you the people to help you grow in your faith. To succeed...not to fail. It truly is up to you how you view them.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” ~Jeremiah 29:11

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