

He found himself struggling to find purpose….the thoughts running through his mind as he wondered, “Was it enough?”

He didn’t have a CEO position at some high end firm…far from a celebrity or head of some church committee….nor was he a social media blogger with a huge platform.

Job titles, recognition, and over filled schedules don't define our importance. Whether you’re a stay at home mom, a retiree, working a regular 9-5 job, a student...wherever we are in life, we all struggle with wondering if we are fulfilling our purpose. Sometimes we just feel tucked away in the back of what the world defines as “significant”.

Society has a tendency to label achievement and success by the impact we all see…yet, worldly fame and attention overshadows the true impact in this world by God’s standards. Somehow in the mundane happenings of life, we lose sight of our purpose by the lack of recognition we get from others. Yet, God sees you in the small moments fulfilling His purpose in the quiet shadows of the world. In the way you treat others. In your thoughts. In your faith.

As a school employee that drew that smile from a child at school who may not have a happy home to retreat to after the bell rings...as a mom and wife preparing a welcoming home for her family with a cooked dinner offering respite from a hard world after a long day….as a nurse in that moment she showed God’s love in a hospital or nursing home where suffering and loneliness was sidetracked by the next bed to fill….or that one simple act of kindness as you go about your daily job that could change the outcome of someone’s life tonight.

Yes, we may not have the huge platform to shine, yet that doesn’t soften God’s light in our significance here on earth. You can accomplish God’s purpose in this world without a single soul knowing about it and achieve the greatest impact not seen by man….God is the only spectator you need to obtain recognition. The world may not know your purpose, but the world couldn’t do without it.

Much Love and Blessings, 


"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." ~ Ephesians 2:10


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Thank you for this sweet reminder. Love your message. God knows how to use His people as instruments to relay a message so needed. It’s clarity and confirmation.
Thank you for being a messenger of Jesus.
Coffee With My Father replied:
Thank you for your heartfelt message. I’m grateful to be able to share His words and bring clarity and confirmation. God bless you!

Amelinda Casias

Thank you so much for this amazing word of encouragement today, I think we can all learn something from it, God Bless you absolutely sir, your passages on here everyday are such a blessing 🙌 ❤️
Coffee With My Father replied:
Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad the message resonated with you. God bless you as well! 🙌❤️

Shirley McCormick

Such a beautiful reminder 🙏
Thank you !

Larisa Bereznyak

🌈 Thank you for making me feel seen and appreciated.


Thank you for this reminder!

Sindhu Samuel

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