Faith Moves Mountains

Faith Moves Mountains

The God of ALL things.⁣

Going about our daily lives, we tend to ask God for only the small things. But when faced with insurmountable obstacles, do we throw our hands up in defeat?

Toss up a half hearted prayer although we’ve already made up our minds that nothing will ever change?

God still provides miracles to those who believe. The situation you are facing that you feel is hopeless...remember, God is bigger than the enemy and anything that comes from him.⁣

He’s healed marriages, recovered addicts, provided financial blessings, healed the sick and dying when science had no way of saving…countless everyday miracles!⁣

Let's shatter the limits we place on God by asking BIG and daring to hope without boundaries!⁣

He is waiting to show you how your faith will move mountains.⁣ 🙌🏼

“He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”~Job 5:9⁣

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