

Thousands of fans started to pour onto the city street as the afternoon baseball game came to an end.

One by one, they passed.

As I observed this young guy sit in silence at the edge of the stadium corner, an empty cup next to him and a non-legible cardboard sign, I watched as the thousands passed by….one by one…..seemingly insignificant to most.

As I stood there alone waiting for my group to catch up in our meeting spot, I felt the sting of feeling invisible.

I can feel Jesus call me over to him. I gave him the few coins I had in my pocket. As I dropped them into the cup, I looked him in the eyes and let him know that I’m praying for him with a smile. The look we gave each other touched our souls more than any coins in a cup could’ve accomplished.

It reminded me of a quote someone once shared with me about Mother Teresa. “Bread lasts but a day; love is for always.”

Charity is more than money…’s giving a smile…saying a kind word…or being love to an otherwise neglected charity even when your pockets are empty.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”~Proverbs 19:17

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