Amidst The Stillness.

Amidst The Stillness.

Amidst all that we go through in our daily lives, when we lay down at night and contemplate on our day and life overall, one thing I know is that we all have a basic emotional need to know that we are know we know we are loved.

Amongst the small and seemingly insignificant the most deep and intimate details of our lives...we all have a yearning to know that there is someone out there that genuinely cares to know and hear what we hold captive in our mind, heart, and soul...those thoughts that beg to be told.

It's human nature really. To feel wanted. Needed.

To have people surrounding us that are present. In a culture where selfishness is promoted by Satan, God wants us to nurture our relationships.

And there is something infinitely beautiful when a soul opens up to another to reveal the door to their mind...stories, opinions, love, humor, brokenness, insecurities.

It's in those pieces we reveal our need to be heard, and when someone listens, it's in that we are made whole again.

Even if the topic is not interesting, or we don't agree with it, or we want to be doing something else... showing we care by opening our ears to receive the thoughts of another is what shines God's Love.

Perhaps tonight, as you sit after dinner, or while you are having your morning your significant other sits across from you on the couch or your spouse is laying next to you in bed, be present.

Phone down. Distractions tucked away kind of present.


⁣Much Love and Blessings, 


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This is beautiful 🙏❤️


With your permission, I am going to translate this one and send it to my Spanish followers. As it resonates with me, it will resonate with them. ♥️
Coffee With My Father replied:
Of course, thank you for asking and for spreading God’s love! God bless! 🙏🏼

Mercedes Angeles

Yes,so true that we so need to be heard .Sometimes as I am talking to someone, I can tell they are distracted and not really listening .When it happens ,I feel sort of hurt ,so I really try to listen to others and ask questions to let them know I indeed hear .Thank God that He always listens -no worries about Him !💕


GOD bless you for this post in Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏✝️❤️

Kathleen Summers

“Even if the topic is not interesting, or we don’t agree with it, or we want to be doing something else… showing we care by opening our ears to receive the thoughts of another is what shines God’s Love.”. ❤️ Very important! Without this, we do not really love our next one.


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