Rustic urban setting with warm hanging lights and a simple wooden table set against a backdrop of textured metal walls, accompanied by a Bible verse from 1 John 3:17-18 on loving through actions.

A Paycheck Short

One paycheck short. One unexpected surgery needed. One tragedy away. Life doesn’t always grant us breaks.

In this lost and broken world, we tend to focus on the haves and not so much on the have-nots. We judge those less fortunate as we pass by, all while guarding our pockets of the loose change soon found scattered in our car cup holder.

Last week, as I joined others in helping a charitable organization and talking to those in the neighborhood, I was reminded that many of us are one unexpected life event away from needing the same charity. And those in need do not always appear to be in need on the outside. Not all people struggling to make ends meet wear ragged clothing. Not all people struggling with loneliness wear puffy red eyes from crying.

We're good at hiding weakness. But if you sense struggle in somebody, listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and extend some compassion. In whatever way you feel called.

Whether it’s donating food or clothing, treating someone to dinner, offering a place to stay to a friend who needs respite, an unexpected visit to surprise someone feeling lonely, or providing smiles and God’s word to those who need light from their comes in so many ways.

Today, I pray you are encouraged to lead with love and serve others as Jesus did and to build our communities....mostly, I pray that we remember that He came to serve and paid the price, so that we can give without a cost.

“If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person? Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” ~1 John 3:17-18 

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